This user exists in the database! + cpanel

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This user exists in the database! + cpanel

Post by a24uall »

Login to Mysql and try to delete the user

Code: Select all

mysql> DROP user gautham_osc2@localhost;
Try to create the database again and if it still throws the above error, open the below file and delete any instance of the database user.

Code: Select all

vi /var/cpanel/databases/users.db

Code: Select all

mysql> use mysql;
mysql> select User, Host from user where User like '%gautham_osc2%';
Replace "gautham_osc2" in the above command with your username.

Check if the entry exists else where and delete that as in the example below.

Code: Select all

mysql>  select User, Host from user where User like '%gautham_osc2%';
| User         | Host        |
| gautham_osc2  | 192.168.1.% |
| gautham_osc2j | 192.168.1.% |
| gautham_osc2j | localhost   |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Code: Select all

mysql> DROP user gautham_osc2@'192.168.1.%';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.02 sec)
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