Easiest step to migrate large cpanel accounts

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Easiest step to migrate large cpanel accounts

Post by a24uall »

Here we will discuss the easiest step to migrate large cPanel accounts (one with a lot of files in home folder), assuming that the database size is normal.
First login to the old server and take the backup skipping the home directory.
/scripts/pkgacct --skiphomedir UN
This process should complete in no time. Once the backup is generated, copy the file to the new server using your convenient method. ( wget or scp or FTP)
On the new server restore the files using the command.
/scripts/restorepkg UN
After the account is restored, make sure to rsync the homefolder using the below command.
rsync -e ssh -avvz --progress root@IP_ADDRESS:/home/UN /home/
NOTE : Make sure that " / " in the above command is put correctly.
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